Giada Bossi – YG21

Aug 2023

Giada Bossi, our director, has been honored with the prestigious One Club for Creativity Award, recognizing her outstanding contributions to the global creative community. This accolade, presented by the international board of directors, celebrates her commitment to fostering inclusion, diversity, and gender equality within the creative industry. Giada's dedication echoes the mission of The One Club, which champions creativity as the driving force behind transformative ideas and business success.

Congrats on the win! Did you enter this year because you are turning 30 and it is now or never?
Yes, it was now or never. It is always so hard for me to have a perception of my own work, so when I got invited to submit I decided to take the chance and see how it goes, one shot.You only get to submit six projects that embody you and your talent. The best of the very best. So, how did you decide which pieces were good enough to make the cut?I didn't really have a strategy. I would say, it was quite spontaneous for me. I put together personal projects and commercials that were closer to my taste and vision, and told a bit about me and where I wanted to go.

What was your reaction when you discovered that you won?
I was in a very embarrassing situation where I had to focus on the phone to distract myself and not laugh, so I opened the email and found out!

In what ways does your hometown inspire your creativity as an artist?
I am generally more interested in the shadows of human emotions that tend to lean towards darkness: contradictions, taboos, dreadfulness. My hometown and experiences there are a huge source of inspiration for my stories and personal projects. When I think about a story or a project, my hometown always has something to do with it. Growing up there, I was repelled by those dynamics, landscapes, culture, and experiences. I'm increasingly going back, taking that pain and making something out of it, which is also a way of understanding myself and where I am in the world. Of course, watching many films and reading a lot is key for me to see how others have dealt with personal matters and found and shaped them for their audience. I am lucky to have trusted book and film "pushers," and friends who know what interests me deeply.

Name a creative and professional dream project that you have yet to fulfill — maybe Young Guns will propel you in that direction!
Dreaming big, I am now developing my first feature film in Italy. That is always a long and complex process, and unpredictable at times, so I hope it keeps going and becomes a reality. I still would love to focus on narrative and bring to the screen stories I care about with people who share the same passion. And this for me also extends to commercials and music videos. It is not about a big name or a big brand for me, but finding a space for a narrative approach that could match my emo soul.

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